Monday, June 30, 2008

Week One--Defining my Pharaohs


I have realized that blogging everyday is just not possible right now. My days are way too short and blogging on the run just will not cut it. So anyway, I am going to wrap up week one today.
As I struggled to name my pharaohs I realized that Leah hit the nail on the head. I am too worried about being connected. I always have my phone with me, even in class I check it several times a night. When I am driving it is right there under my leg so I don't miss a call. When I get home I turn on the laptop and check my buddy list to see if the girls are online and the thought of being at work without the Internet? Horror!!!
I also believe that my volunteer work could and may already be a god in my life. I am struggling with the issue of giving up teaching Sunday school so I can be available to drive for VJGC. My friend Elizabeth is struggle with a issue and something she said Friday night really got me thinking. She said that maybe she was suppose to stay in her present job where she is used and abused by the public because that is where she can do the most good instead of in her dream job
where she would be in more loving and welcoming environment.
Maybe being in that classroom is where God wants me instead of driving the van for the VJGC. Volunteering at the camp is such a "high profile" job that it is easy to say "yes, I'll do it"
I don't have to prepare, just show up and all the preliminary work is done for me. I have to say it is a lot easier than other volunteer work that I have done in the past.
But I heard a saying on the radio , "You should always do what is right and good".
Now sometimes right isn't always "good". I don't mean we should do wrong or bad stuff but sometimes God calls us for jobs that are hard, lonely, and just not fun. Is a high profile volunteer position a pharaoh in my life? I believe if it is not now it could be quickly become one. Satan can use the good for his purpose if we don't guard against him at all times.
My prayer for this week is to let God use my skills to glorify HIM. A devotions I read today said we must let God use us. It is a choice, not an obligation. He wants our permission to be HIS HANDS in our world. I love that I have the option to be His servant. It is not mandatory. Wow, now how is that for freedom.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Response to Leah's first blog

I have to blog really quick in response to Leah's first blog. Young lady, you are awesome!!!
The only problem with having such smart children is they keep you on your toes.
Your words really touched me. You really got me thinking about how connected I am to the world. I also need to think about my "volunteer work". Would it be so much fun if I was driving an old dirty van and using my own money? and plus doesn't the bible say to not let the right hand know what the left is doing? What if I have a patient who is not very likable? Will I still be so joyfully? I need to figure out how I am feeling in my void? What if I volunteered for an organization that was "popular" What if bible study meant going in to a hostile environment instead in the midst of my soul sisters?
Hmmmm, will be doing some more soul searching!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Week 1 Day 1 by Leah

First I want to say that its a little intimidating to join in a bible study group in which my partner is well on her way to sainthood. Whatever I say is going to sound pretty crazy whenever compared to a woman who's distractions from God are volunteer work and bible study. But you know I'm just kidding Mom, I'm so very excited about this bible study and can't wait to find out what I learn about myself and you!
Today I was wandering around the office on some errand or another and my mind was wandering too. I started thinking about people who are addicted to things such as gambling, cigarettes and alcohol. I caught myself thinking "Man, I'm glad I don't have an addictive personality". Then I stopped and realized, actually yes I do. I think everyone has an addictive personality. Like mom quoted below, a god that takes place of God can be anything that your mind focuses on besides Him. What do I think about all day? What occupies my mind at any given moment. I think for me I am addicted to people and society. I am a perfect example of my generation and of our current modern culture. I am always plugged into technology. I am never "turned off" from the world. My cell phone is always by my side. I am constantly checking for texts and missed calls. At work and at home I am almost always logged into AIM and Gmail and other chat devices. I also am always checking what I think is one of the most self-servant vain false gods-Facebook. Its all about ME ME ME look at ME. Look what I did, look at what I think.
I want my mind to be free of these false gods to focus on my real God. I want to live a fulfilling truthful life.
As any human being, I have a void inside of me. If I step away from the false gods that are filling it now, the void will work as a vacuum and immediately try to fill itself with the first thing it can. I don't want to fill it with another false god such as a career, a boyfriend, etc. God will step in if I can be open enough to receive Him.

Week 1 Day 2

Substituting for God in my Life

I really did some soul searching on this day. Of course I first thought that I always put God first but then that little voice of nagging doubt started to pound louder in my head.
Bible study, internet, reading, all can very easily distract me from spending time with my Lord. Just being quiet and listening for His Voice is very hard for me. I want to be "productive" . I would rather be doing something.
Kelly says that a god could be something that is "incredibly good that has only turned bad by virtue of how much it consumes you."
If I become consumed by anything then it shuts God out and the door could be labeled many "good" things like volunteer work, bible study, school, even fellowship with my soul sisters. I try to preface all my actions with "To God be the Glory" but sometimes it is to Cindi be the glory.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Week 1 Day 1 Personal Pharaohs


This day has me thinking hard! What is my personal pharaohs? False god, idols, do I really have them in my life? I have always thought of idols as a thing such as houses, cars, money but I also know it can be a desire or a dream. So what is my idol? Is it how I want people to perceive me? I worry that all my volunteer work could turn into a professed god. I truly strive to have a heart like Jesus. I don't want to be "volunteer of the week" !!! or have praises heaped on my head for all my good deeds. I think sometimes I get caught up in doing and forgetting the reason for it all. Maybe that is my paraoh! I need to spend more time listening to God and spending time with Him so He can show me what He has planned for me instead of me filling every minute with busyness. Busy work is not always God's work, as my dear soul sister Julie has pointed out on many occasions.