Thursday, July 31, 2008

Week 5 & 6 Cindi

1. Numbers 11:4 describes the Israelites desire for meat as a craving. So what it the different in desire and craving?

Webster Definitions:

Desire--to long or hope for, to express a wish for

Crave--to ask for earnestly, to want greatly

To me craving is a more physical feeling while desire is more emotional. When I have a craving for chocolate get out of the way, I got to have it, while my desires make me melancholy. I will move heaven and earth to get my cravings while I just long for my desires. I don't have many cravings, thank God, but I think maybe my prayers should be more like cravings. The word says in John 16:24 "Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." Maybe I need to crave God more in my life instead of wistfully longing for Him.
Now cravings that you have to hide are not good!! Like telling your husband that the store was out of his favorite ice cream and buying your favorite so it will last all week. Not that I would ever do that to my wonderful husband!

2.Fruit from the Promise Land
I think I can answer this better now that I have spent some time in clinicals. I truly believe that I will be able to work in a nursing job. I wasn't too sure while I was in class but after working there for a couple of nights I realize that my God-given talent of helping people will fill in for my lack of knowledge. This has given me the faith to pursue my education in the nursing field.

3.Turning problems over to God

I love the quote by Charles Spurgeon, especially the proverb "He who is his own lawyer has a fool for his client". I just realized that I am the one who creates my problems so how can I fix them. I will just keep digging deeper and deeper because that is what I do but God can take the shovel out of my hand then reach down and pull me out of the pit. I am ready to stop digging and start praying.

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