Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Week 2


We are a Peculiar People Set Apart by God

People of God

Excited to be His

Called to be His

Universally His

Loved by Him

Invited by Him

Abundant Life from Him

Righteousness by Him

3. Being able to laugh in life is a gift from God. Being at peace with yourself gives you the ability to enjoy life. I can see joy in lots of situations that without God I would be crying over. I can also laugh at myself because of my assurance of God's love for me. He knows I am not perfect so what does it matter what anybody else thinks of me.

4.Fear protects our idols.

Now that is a interesting take on things. I think Kelly is right. We can blame lots of stuff on being afraid, like fear of change, stepping outside our comfort zones, meeting new friends and witnessing for Jesus can all be forstalled by fear. Forstalling doing what God wants us to do is usually a pride issue. It could be that our pride is the idol so we use fear to keep us from doing it.
One of my idols is/was being a "business woman". I never thought I wouldn't have our business to sustain my image. Well now I just might not have it any longer. We are on hold until this fall and then we have to make some serious decisions about our future. I am learning to deal with the lost and frankly it feels like the death of a loved one. The family has been in the furniture business for over 30 years so it is a part of us but as we know sometimes God has other plans for us. I know He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us as Jeremiah 29:11 tells me and I am holding on tightly to that verse. This is the first time in my life that I can honestly say "I have no idea what the future holds" but I never really did anyway just thought I did because I had my idols.
So I am trying to conquer my fears so that I can release my idols and not go running back to them when things get rocky but will run to God and His Word to steady me.
That's all until next week.

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