Monday, June 23, 2008

Week 1 Day 1 Personal Pharaohs


This day has me thinking hard! What is my personal pharaohs? False god, idols, do I really have them in my life? I have always thought of idols as a thing such as houses, cars, money but I also know it can be a desire or a dream. So what is my idol? Is it how I want people to perceive me? I worry that all my volunteer work could turn into a professed god. I truly strive to have a heart like Jesus. I don't want to be "volunteer of the week" !!! or have praises heaped on my head for all my good deeds. I think sometimes I get caught up in doing and forgetting the reason for it all. Maybe that is my paraoh! I need to spend more time listening to God and spending time with Him so He can show me what He has planned for me instead of me filling every minute with busyness. Busy work is not always God's work, as my dear soul sister Julie has pointed out on many occasions.

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